HMS Performing Arts Annual Spring Flower Sale
The HMS Band, Choir, and Orchestra are celebrating spring by holding their annual flower sale!
Proceeds from these flowers will directly benefit music students and be applied to various program needs.
Flowers are set in 6 inch pots and can be ordered from any HMS Band, Choir, or Orchestra Member.
Orders may also be placed by filling out this form.
Flowers available are Daffodils, Pink Tulips, Purple Hyacinths, and Dianthus. Each plant is $10.00.
Checks should be made out to HMS and directed to the attention of Mr. Ryan Barry.
Checks may also be sent to: Hillsborough Middle School, 260 Triangle Road, Hillsborough NJ 08844.
Pick up date is set for April 1st between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in HMS Band Room 1.
Thank you for your support of HMS Performing Arts!