HMS Handbook

HMS Student Handbook

Board Policies

Parking Lot Regulations: Drop-Off/Pick-up

Parents are encouraged to have children use the school transportation system on a regular basis.  However, when it is necessary to drive your child to/from school, please make every effort to drop-off prior to 8:00 a.m. or pick-up after 3:15 p.m. to avoid traffic congestion and school buses.  

There is a designated drop-off/ pick-up zone in the main lot to be used when buses are present between the hours of 8:05 - 8:30 a.m. and 2:50 - 3:15 p.m., however, space is limited.  During the restriction times (8:05 - 8:30 a.m. and 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.), vehicles for drop-off or pick-up should follow the directions of HMS personnel when present, move quickly through the drop-off zone, and exit slowly out along Cardinal Lane to Farm Road.  

Please refer to map:   HMS Parking Lot Traffic Flow - Morning Drop Off 

Left turns out of the lot onto Triangle Road are prohibited (by law) during morning and afternoon rush hours.  The use of Cardinal Lane to Farm Road is a much safer route for all.  In the interest of safety for our staff and students, vehicular traffic is restricted in the driveway (Del Prete Drive) around the perimeter of the school when buses are loading and unloading students and permitted only on the East Side drive to access the Cardinal Lane exit safely and slowly - YIELDING to moving buses or pedestrians at all times.  

In the afternoon, cars may wait in the drop-off/pick-up lane for students to dismiss.  The lane can support up to a dozen vehicles.  If the lane is full, however, please make use of designated parking spaces.  DO NOT park or stop in the driveways or in any area that would impede the proper flow of traffic or force vehicles into on-coming traffic lanes in order to get around your vehicle at any time.