February 25 and 26th
Milan Rose will be at HMS on February 25th and 26th, to take club/activity pictures for the yearbook. These group pictures will take place in the cafeteria according to the attached below.
2024-25 HMS Club Picture Schedule for Classrooms
Check the schedule for the date and time of your group's photo. Be sure to leave class a few minutes ahead of the scheduled picture time in order to get to the cafeteria in time for the group photo.
Club pictures will appear in the yearbook, but if you or your parents wish to purchase a 5x7 copy of the photo, print a copy of the attached order form and bring that with you (along with payment) at the time the picture is taken OR order online at www.milanrose.com, select "prepay school pictures" and use student ID to login and place order.
Club Picture Order Form - Click Here
If you have any questions, speak to your club or group faculty adviser or you may contact one of the HMS Yearbook Faculty Advisers: Ms. Berman or Ms. Hamilton.