Parking Information

There are two entrances to the Auten Road School driveways and parking lots. The North entrance is nearest the railroad tracks. The South entrance is nearest to Triangle Road.
In order to have more safe and efficient traffic in our parking lot and driveways, we ask that you follow the traffic pattern described below:
Entering the North Entrance:
Once in the driveway, turn left into the very first driveway. There is an opening to the parking lot on the right. Turn right. Once in the parking lot, please turn right again. Then make a left when you can go no further. Then another left and follow the lot to the South end. Make another left, then a right into the South driveway. Turn left into the South driveway and out to Auten Road.
Entering the South Entrance:
Once in the driveway, turn right into the very first driveway. There is an opening to the parking lot on the left. Turn left. Once in the parking lot, turn right. Then make a left when you can go no further. Another left and you will be heading south. Go to the end of the lot, turn left, then right to exit the parking lot. Once you are facing the driveway again, turn left into the driveway to approach Auten Road once again.
Going to the back of the school building:
Please enter from the South entrance. Go straight to the back of the building. Once in the back, please first turn right, then left, through the lot.
At the end, turn left again, then another left. You should be facing south once again.
There may be more parking spaces in the back than in the front. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE TO THE BACK OF THE BUILDING WHEN BUSES ARE PRESENT.

DO NOT ENTER THE DRIVEWAY IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL WHEN BUSES ARE PRESENT. When you are driving in the main driveway, please go from north to south. There are Do Not Enter signs at the south end of the main driveway.